Eddie Williams is a Former 5-year NFL veteran, Pastor, Health Coach, and creator of Ex Nihilo Health, a site for biblical wellness.


Thanks for checking Ex Nihilo. I’m grateful for the opportunity to hang with you.

I created Ex Nihilo Health because of the many intersections I cross as a person. I’m a former NFL player and have loved working out and studying nutrition since I was a kid. I’ve done just about every sport and athletic competition there is, and i’m fascinated with longevity and biohacking. While NFL I was exposed to many different wellness philosophies from the world’s best doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, and strength and conditioning coaches, and decided to explore some of their teachings myself.

I’m also the Pastor of a church in the Seattle Area and have been studying the Bible extensively for a long time. As I’ve studied and earned a Master’s Degree in Theology, I’ve found plenty of overlap between physical health and the Bible. Ex Nihilo is here to help share that connection with you so you can explore what it means for you to pursue biblical health and wellness.


What does Ex Nihilo Mean?

Ex Nihilo means "from nothing". It comes from Genesis 1, where the Bible says God made man “from nothing” or “out of nothing”. Back then, God made humanity good, right and perfect. There were no illnesses, sicknesses or chronic diseases. Humanity lived completely in sync with God and his created order. After sin entered the world, humanity’s relationship with God was fractured as was the relationship between humanity and creation.

The reason we get sick, experience pain or die is because of what happened in the Garden when Eve bit the apple and sin entered the world. Luckily Jesus came into the world to restore the relationship between God, humanity and creation, and one day, we will no longer experience any of the affects of sin. But until that day, we have a responsibility to steward what God has given us. This includes our minds, bodies and spirits.

Ex Nihilo Health is about reclaiming some of what we lost in the Garden with diet, exercise and physical health.

While we won’t fully get what we lost until Jesus comes back, we can inch closer towards the ideal of feeling good, performing well and living longer by carefully stewarding our bodies.