Your Burger isn't the same as that Burger


This "It's Just food" attitude towards junk food is the very reason for many of our common health diseases in the western world.

One time I was in the car with my cousin who had just purchased a cheeseburger and fries from McDonalds for her 4 year old son. I said to her, "Why would you feed your child that? It's terrible for you!"

Here was her response:

"It's just bread"

"...and it's just meat"

"...And it's just cheese"

"...And it's just Ketchup."

"...And potatoes"

"...And sugar."

This list went on and on.

The only problem is, saying "it's just" before every ingredient doesn't make it better! It's a psychological trick people like to play on themselves to justify eating incredibly harmful things.

The worst part is companies like McDonalds and Coca Cola are playing into that mindset by listing calories on their items so more people can trick themselves into eating their junk food. I write extensively about this here.

The facts are that that is not JUST meat. It's not JUST cheese. And those aren't JUST potatoes.

The Meat

The meat is antibiotic and hormone pumped 'beef' from a collection of 12+ countries. It's not exactly the local farmer's beef. McDonald's recently came out with their North American Sirloin Burger. If that doesn't raise the biggest red flag, what does? All that means is now they are guaranteeing you that that particular burger's beef has come from one continent.

"Yum, this burger is from North America. Canadian, American and Mexican beef from 100's of farms all rolled into one!"

Antibiotics are known to destroy gut bacteria (hence the name!), and this includes good bacteria. The cow is pumped with them to keep them healthy from wandering around in their own "business" all day. They get to pass that to you via a Big Mac. This destroys your gut biome as well and can make you sick.

What's ironic is most of Americans will get sick from this and then go get more antibiotics to get healthy!

 The Cheese

The Cheese suffers the same fate as the cow. The Antibiotic and hormone pumped cow produces milk which is skimmed for butter and cheese. Unfortunately the fat is where many of the toxins are stored. These unhealthy cows store loads of toxins there and we eat them. Yummy.

The Sugar

"It's just a soda."

Sure it is. 30+ Grams of sugar disguised in a brown liquid so powerful it can be poured on car batteries to eliminate corrosion. Imagine what that does to a person's stomach lining.

Coca Cola is the king of marketing techniques to get people to drink this battery acid. They tell you that you can have a coke if you just exercise... And the reason people are fat is because they don't exercise.cThis is a false dichotomy, as all calories are NOT created equal and do not "burn off" the same.

What's worse is their low and zero calorie beverages are even worse, as they are loaded with Splenda: the brand name for the cancer giving Aspartame compound.

 The Bread

The health problems related to Gluten are well documented, including contributing many of our common allergies.

 The bottom line is that this isn't JUST food. In fact, it might be quite the opposite.


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