7 Travel Hacks to feel amazing before and after traveling


I hate Jet Lag.I hate getting sick after traveling.I hate headaches from eating terrible food.Most of us are used to dealing with all of this when we travel. But why do we need to feel horrible when traveling? Is it just part of getting on a plane, then in a taxi and then into a hotel?Well it turns out it isn’t part of it, and there are some really easy things we can do to beat the dip in performance that comes with travel.

What causes our performance lag?

The first thing is the germs that are all over the airport. Thousands of people come in and out of the airport. Most are from far away places that are bringing colds, flus and viruses on their clothes, bags and shoes. Touching handrail, elevator buttons, counters, bathrooms and everything else is a sure way to get these sicknesses on you.

On the plane, you should know that the air is recycled, so when someone sneezes or coughs, that air is circulated around the cabin. Recycled air is filled with toxins that we breath in. It goes without saying that sick people board those planes and spread their germs as well. Cleaning crews don’t fully disinfect the seats and railings, so it’s likely one of us will sit in a seat where the last person was sick.

Flying around in a metal tub is also not exactly healthy for humans. Aside from breathing in toxins the whole time on the plane. You are also exposed to electromagnetic waves coming off of devices. We can absorb those waves (along with toxins) through our skin.

Jet lag is essentially toxicity. We have a hangover from the combination of toxicity, waves and presumably a disruption is regular sleep pattern,

Use these tips to feel good and perform well:

1. Vitamin C and Glutathione

These are already necessary to take without travel, but interestingly, your bodies tolerance for Vitamin C goes up during travel. Take 500mg-1G every few hours to keep your immune system going.

Glutathione is the ultimate detox agent. Have some before flying, particularly in the morning before your flight and also when you land. Continue to take some every morning and evening you are away and have a final dose when you arrive home.

2. Activated coconut charcoal

With all of those toxins pouring into your body from the plane, poor food and sickness germs, you need something that can help remove them. Charcoal helps remove them from the inside out. Charcoal binds to the toxins and escorts them out. Take 2-3 overtime you eat food (unless it’s your own food and you are positive it’s not toxic). This means every time you hit a restaurant you should pop a few. Take 2 while on the plane, 2 when you get off and 2 in the morning as well, preferably not around any medications, as you won’t be able to absorb them well with charcoal.

3. Don’t eat the food on the plane

Plane food is notoriously toxic. It’s extremely low quality and made from a lot of processed foods. Most people feel crummy within minutes of eating it. Avoid it at all costs. Bring your own food, or try a intermittent fast: Just drink water until you land and can get some quality food.

4. Shower as soon as you can

Like we mentioned, you absorb toxins through your skin. No need to let those toxins stay on your skin longer. Clean yourself as soon as you can.

5. Consider a clay mask

Clay masks for your face are extremely valuable detoxifiers. Covering your face and neck for 20 minutes with a mask in the hotel can detox your face and clear up your complexion. I recommend the Alitura mask. It’s made with 4 different types of clay, but is also packed with Collagen and even colostrum from grass-fed cows to helps restore your face. The most underrated ingredient in my opinion is the pearl powder.

6. Find some grass and go barefoot

This is very underrated technique. Connect yourself with the earth for 20-30 minutes and see how you feel. One of the ideas is that it allows you to discharge static electricity built up from traveling.

7. Hack your sleep with techniques and supplements

Travel almost always wrecks our sleep. If you can restore yourself you can help perhaps the biggest issue with travel.

Supplement wise, take a magnesium supplement. I go for a ZMA stack. It also has Zinc and puts me in a deep, deep sleep. Supply your body with these essential minerals for optimum rest.

If your looking for a technique, try blue blocking sunglasses. They are glasses with bright orange lenses that do allow blue light in. This causes your circadian rhythm to be undisrupted for sleep. Traveling at night exposes us to bright lights which resets our circadian rhythm and spikes hormones like cortisol. Our adrenal glands are also effected.


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